Boost Your Biology!

PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, is one of the most versatile and potent solutions available to kickstart healthy cell growth! Here at Indian Hills Plastic Surgery, in just a few injections, we can reduce the look of fine lines, restore facial volume, and even regrow natural hair!

There are so many reasons why our patients love PRP injections in Tuscaloosa. So, what can PRP do for you?

Giving PRP a Shot

Before giving PRP injections in Tuscaloosa a shot, you should know what you’re getting into!

Essentially, PRP works by separating platelet-rich cells from your blood and reintroducing them in targeted areas. There’s a lot of complex science happening behind the scenes of every PRP injection. But a typical treatment is actually pretty simple!

Treatment Steps

  1. One-on-one consultation with our experienced staff.
  2. Blood draw and synthesis of PRP.
  3. Injection to pre-determined treatment areas.

Frequently Asked Questions


Pricing at Indian Hills Plastic Surgery

The cost of your PRP injections in Tuscaloosa shouldn’t be a mystery. Transparency matters, and we believe patients should know beforehand how certain procedures will impact them financially.

Learn About Pricing

Is PRP right for you?

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